Saturday, February 23, 2013

How do you find what you are passionate about? – Part 3

Henry Ford once said -“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.”

And here I am, trying to make you think.

I hope the questions in my last two blogs got you closer to finding out your passions.  I hope you wrote down the answers to the questions that I had asked in the last two blogs – the questions were:

  1. What are the various things you are or were  passionate about;  and
  2. Go back and list the moments in the past when you experienced a sense of flow

Today, I will share one more area, where if you think hard enough, you will get a feel of what you are passionate about.

I am listing below the four most common aims in life that all of us share. These aims will have some linked passions or goals or desires for each one of us. Introspect the  passions or goals or desires for each of these four aims and list them down.
The four aims are:

  1. AIM 1 - Achieving physical health and pleasure – please list at least three passions or goals or desires around your aim of achieving physical health and pleasure.
  2. AIM 2 – Build wealth, home and family – please list at least three passions or goals or desires around your aim of building wealth, home and family.
  3. AIM 3 -Seek to become a better person– please list at least three passions or goals or desires around your aim of seeking to become a better person.
  4. AIM 4 – Find your greater purpose– please list at least three passions or goals or desires around your aim of finding your greater purpose.

For example, in my aim to “become a perfect person”, I have a goal of helping at least one person every day in some way.  My act of teaching (I am a faculty in an MBA institute) helps me meet the goal as I am helping many students become better professionals and better human beings. And teaching is my passion as well. So by following my passion of teaching, I am fulfilling one of my aims -"to become a better person".

In a similar way, introspect and try to figure out what your passions, goals and desires are around these four aims.

I am giving you food for thought – I hope you really think hard about these questions. 
Thinking is hard - but it is truly rewarding.

1 comment:

  1. Sir, these 4 AIMS are exactly the same mentioned in hindu scriptures..
    1) Dharma (Aim 3)
    2) Artha (Aim 2)
    3) Kama (Aim 1) and
    4) Moksh (Aim 4)
